B10K Potentiometer Metal Knurling 15mm | 100K Resistance | Durable & High-Precision Control
The Premium Electronics Store
B10K Potentiometer Metal Knurling 15mm | 100K Resistance | Durable & High-Precision Control
B10K Potentiometer Metal Knurling 15mm | 100K Resistance | Durable & High-Precision Control
B10K Potentiometer Metal Knurling 15mm | 100K Resistance | Durable & High-Precision Control

B10K Potentiometer Metal Knurling 15mm | 100K Resistance | Durable & High-Precision Control

Out of stock
  • B10K High-Precision Potentiometer

  • Metal Knurling 15mm Shaft

  • 100K Resistance Control

  • Durable Rotary Resistor

Rs.8.00 Rs.100.00
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